Saturday, December 24, 2011

MIT Physics Demo -- Exploding Wire

MIT Physics Demo -- Exploding Wire Video Clips. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

A 100 uF oil-filled capacitor is charged to 3 KV. This takes approximately 15 minutes, creating a charge on the capacitor that could be lethal. The capacitor is then discharged through a 12" length of 30 gauge bare iron wire. When the high voltage current flows though high resistance wire, the bonds between iron molecules are shattered, resulting in a loud bang, a shower of sparks, and a cascade of wispy filaments floating through the air. Not all of the charge on the capacitor is disharged through the wire, so a shorting bar must be used to release the remaining charge. See original video on MIT TechTV -

Tags: mittechtv, physics, mit, demo, demonstration, explosion, fire, sparks, disaster, smoke, flames, carnage, electricity, electromagnetis

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